Previous Works

"Virtual Art Gallery"

A Project Focused on Displaying Art Galleries within Unreal Engine.  

Roles: All


A Silly yet Challenging 2D Platformer developed within the Construct Engine. 

Roles: Level Design, Art, Music, Sound FX.

"Supermarket Scramble"

A Colorful and Entertaining 2D Platformer within the Construct Engine.

Roles: Level Design, Art, Music, Sound FX.

"Le Cave"

A short Puzzle Project where the player needs to escape a maze and find the exit within an atmospheric environment. 

Roles: Level Design


A 3D Driving Game that prioritizes exploration and a sandbox approach to problem-solving for players in Unreal Engine.

Roles: Level Design, Art, Music, Sound FX, 3D models, 3D Character Rigging.

"No ID, No Entry"

A 2D Interactive Puzzle Game created using the Construct Engine that Rewards Speed and Accuracy.  

Roles: Level Design, Music, Sound FX. 

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