Christian Cahall

"Daring Design. Innovative Ideas."

About Me

My name is Christian Cahall. I am a senior Game Design and Interactive Media major at West Virginia University. Since I was young, I have often found a great interest in the broad exploration of narratives through architecture to immerse a viewer in an interactive experience..  

Previous Works

During my experience as a Game Designer, I have experimented with the concepts of design with a plethora of engines in both 2D and 3D environments.  

Capturing the Level Design Process

During the 2024 semester, I was a part of MonRiver Games as the level designer for the project "Derby". Throughout my time, I focused on the lengthy yet rewarding process of designing a hub and the first stage. In the photo gallery, I have i 


Are you seeking a passionate addition to your creative team for your game? If yes. Please reach out to me using the information provided below.

Christian Cahall


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